Commercial and Civil Litigation Attorneys

Civil Litigation Lawyers in Ohio

Civil litigation arises when individuals, businesses, or groups encounter conflicts over contracts, money, property, or other legal obligations that they cannot resolve amicably. Such disputes may necessitate seeking compensation for wrongs done or defending against unwarranted claims for monetary damages.

Common issues in civil litigation include fraud, theft, insurance disputes, and contractual disagreements.

How Can Civil Litigation Help You?

Civil litigation serves as a crucial legal mechanism for individuals embroiled in disputes over issues such as insurance claims, business contracts, consumer rights, or allegations of fraud. If you find yourself in such a situation, it’s essential to safeguard your legal rights. Civil litigation offers a structured avenue through which you can assert your entitlements or mount a defense against unjust claims.

This process not only enables parties to seek reparations for grievances suffered but also provides a formal setting to contest unwarranted demands for financial compensation. Additionally, the complexities of some civil cases might intersect with elements of criminal law, adding another layer of intricacy that necessitates a nuanced legal approach. Engaging in civil litigation allows you to navigate these challenges under the guidance of the judicial system, ensuring that all parties’ rights are duly considered and adjudicated.

Expertise of Heban, Murphree & Lewandowski, LLC

Our legal team at Heban, Murphree & Lewandowski, LLC has extensive experience representing both defendants and plaintiffs in a wide range of civil matters in Ohio. We handle complex cases involving multiple parties, substantial documentation, intricate legal issues, and extended trial periods.

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Types of Civil Cases We Handle:

  • Civil Fraud includes cases where individuals falsely claim ownership or control of properties or misrepresent facts to gain financial advantages.
  • Contract Disputes: We assist with drafting and reviewing contracts to prevent misunderstandings and ensure clarity from the outset, covering everything from business deals and employment agreements to insurance and property sales.
  • Insurance Disputes: We navigate the complexities of various insurance claims, addressing issues with auto, health, homeowner’s, and life insurance policies, especially when terms are ambiguous or unfairly applied.
  • Consumer Law: We tackle cases involving breaches of consumer trust, such as deceptive pricing strategies, selling defective products, and violations of return policies.

Get Help When You Need It

At Heban, Murphree & Lewandowski, LLC, we are committed to delivering outstanding results for our clients in Toledo and beyond. If you require skilled legal guidance for any civil litigation matter, we are here to help.

Contact us today for a free case evaluation, or call us at (419) 662-3100 to explore your legal options and ensure your interests are effectively represented.