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Understanding the Role of a Fiduciary

A fiduciary is a person or organization legally appointed and entrusted to manage the finances or act in the best interests of another individual. In legal terms, this “other” person could be a beneficiary or an owner. The fiduciary may assume various roles, such as a legal guardian, conservator, trustee, executor, attorney, and more. The central principle guiding a fiduciary’s conduct is always to prioritize the interests of the person they represent above their own.

The Concept of Breach of Fiduciary Duty

At Heban, Murphree & Lewandowski, LLC, we acknowledge that breaches of fiduciary duty can occur. In such situations, the fiduciary may exploit their position or prioritize their interests over those of the individual they represent. As fiduciary assumes their role, they are confronted with substantial responsibilities, including making healthcare decisions, maintaining finances, holding valuable assets, or even managing the individual’s affairs. These duties require absolute integrity, honesty, and transparency.

Recognizing a Breach of Fiduciary Duty

Maintaining their obligations may become increasingly challenging depending on the duration and complexity of the fiduciary’s role. A breach of fiduciary duty occurs when the fiduciary abuses their responsibilities, misuses their position or fails to carry out their role correctly. Recognizing the signs of a breach early is essential to prevent harm and ensure justice.

Typical breaches of fiduciary duty may involve:

  • Misappropriation or misuse of funds
  • Conflict of interest
  • Negligence in carrying out duties
  • Failure to disclose relevant information

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Protecting Your Interests

Whether you or a loved one are a victim of a fiduciary duty breach, our Wood County probate firm, Heban, Murphree & Lewandowski, LLC, is committed to providing you with the requisite legal knowledge and counsel to ensure that justice is served.

Representation from Qualified Attorneys

Our team comprises experienced attorneys who will use their collective legal expertise, spanning over 150 years, to secure the results you deserve. At Heban, Murphree & Lewandowski, LLC, we provide a united front to cater to your individual needs and are dedicated to resolving your case effectively. We believe in thoroughly assessing your situation to devise the most strategic action plan for your case.

From answering your questions about fiduciary breaches to guiding you through the legal process, our committed attorneys are here.

Need Help?

If you suspect a breach of fiduciary duty or need more information, don’t hesitate to contact us. Allow our experienced team to provide you with the legal assistance you need. Contact Heban, Murphree & Lewandowski, LLC, today and secure the professional representation you deserve. 419.662.3100