
May 1, 2019
HML - Toledo Probate Lawyers

Living Will- What Is It And Do I Need One?

When looking at the importance of having a will and leaving a legacy for your family, it is easy to overlook one important thing–you are still living and have a say-so in what happens to you and for you. While many are advised to create a […]
April 16, 2019
last will and testament

Why You Need a Final Will

Complacency, fear, and procrastination are the leading reasons why close to 57% of living Americans do not have a will. Having a will, or last will and testament, is perhaps the most significant things you can do to help protect yourself and your family. At times, […]
April 3, 2019
die without will

What Happens Legally if Someone Dies Without a Will?

Emotions typically run high when a person dies. Unfortunately, death does not always bring out the best in people. These reactions are even more heightened when the deceased does not have a will in place. If a person dies without a will, it is known as […]
February 15, 2019
update my will

How Often Should I Be Updating My Will?

A will is a plan for your estate. In the estate planning world, it is the bare minimum that you will need for your estate plan, yet it is a vital part. Yet simply creating a will is not always sufficient. As your lifestyle and life […]