
July 6, 2022
what are the 5 poa types

What Is The Best Power Of Attorney To Have?

Types of POAs A power of attorney (POA) is a powerful legal document granting tremendous authority to another person to access your bank and other financial accounts and make decisions for you. In estate planning, power of attorney is a crucial document to consider. Using power […]
June 30, 2022
real estate law

Ohio Probate Law Facts

Ohio Probate Overview Probate is one of those things that most people don’t think about until they have to. Usually, it’s because someone has passed, and their survivors must now deal with the deceased’s estate. Other times, it’s because someone has to plan their estate. In […]
June 24, 2022
how to plan your estate in hospice

How To Estate Plan For Someone Receiving Hospice Care

Estate Planning & Hospice Have you recently been grappling with creating an estate plan for a loved one in hospice care? If so, you’re not alone. Many people find themselves in this situation, and it can be challenging to know what to do, especially if it’s […]
May 20, 2022
when should executor notify people

Timeline For Notifying Beneficiaries Of A Death

Notifying Beneficiaries When someone dies, assets are distributed to beneficiaries named in a will or trust. The probate court oversees this process, validates the will or trust, then directs executors and trustees to gather and distribute assets laid out in the will or trust. Finally, the […]
April 22, 2022
how to settle estate after death

What To Do When A Family Member Dies

Settling Estate After Death When someone passes—whether a loved one or close friend—settling the estate can be an involved and often-confusing process. But, unfortunately, it’s a task that needs to be done. Assets need to be distributed. Debts need to be settled. Taxes need to be […]
April 19, 2022
ohio probate process

How To Protect Children’s Inheritance From Divorce

Protecting Inheritances Divorce is never an easy topic. It can get even more complicated when it becomes part of estate planning. And if that wasn’t already challenging enough, the presence of children can complicate matters further. Even if offspring are adults when the divorce occurs, there […]
April 9, 2022
ohio eminent domain attorney

Everything You Need To Know About Eminent Domain in Ohio

Ohio Eminent Domain FAQ Discovering your property might be appropriated under the auspices of “eminent domain” can be alarming. Because the government is involved, you may wonder under what right they exercise this authority and what rights you have as the property owner. You probably have […]
March 30, 2022
spouse dying financial affairs

Spouse Dying? How To Get Your Affairs In Order

Getting Affairs in Order Planning for the death of a husband or wife is probably one of the most challenging tasks any spouse could experience, especially if it’s due to a sudden and severe illness or condition. There are all sorts of questions that need to […]
March 12, 2022
power of abuse attorneys ohio

Misusing POA Privilege’s

Power of Attorney Abuse Guide When someone has power of attorney to handle another person’s financial or healthcare matters, they should act in that person’s best interests. But, sadly, sometimes people will choose to manipulate the other person or use their assets for their personal gain. […]