John Lewandowski

March 15, 2021

How Do You Settle Land Disputes?

Tips for Settling Land Disputes Families can live side by side on properties for generations and never once question—let alone have a dispute over—exactly where the property line lies. Sometimes, landmarks such as trees or large rocks traditionally seen as reliable markers for borders aren’t necessarily […]
March 2, 2021
probate law

Top Questions to Ask Your Lawyer About Inheritance

Receive An Inheritance? Ask Your Attorney These Questions Whether you are planning your estate plan or are looking toward receiving an inheritance, the inheritance process can be confusing. During both the estate planning stage and in the days after someone passes away, you need to make […]
March 1, 2021
viewing will ohio

Who Is Entitled To See A Will After A Death?

Who Can View A Will? Do you have a recently deceased relative and are wondering whether you are included in the will? Or perhaps you want to know whether you could receive a copy or otherwise view the contents of a will? If so, this article […]
February 28, 2021

Examples of Breach of Fiduciary Duty in Ohio

Fiduciary Duty in Ohio When someone places trust or confidence in another to act on their behalf, the person taking on that trust or confidence is known as a fiduciary. As long as they are knowingly accepting that trust, they have a fiduciary duty to act […]
February 18, 2021
ohio property tax attorneys

When Would I Need A Property Tax Dispute Lawyer?

When To Use A Property Tax Attorney Are you looking for a way to reduce your property taxes in Ohio? Do you believe that your property is worth less than the assessment completed by your county? You have options available to you to appeal an auditor’s […]
February 5, 2021
what is a No-Contest Clause

Everything You Need To Know About A “No-Contest Clause”

Defining a “No-Contest Clause” Making plans for your estate can be a complicated, stressful process at times. As difficult as it is to face and make genuine decisions about what will happen to your assets after you’ve gone, there is the added stress of the sometimes-complicated […]
February 4, 2021
dad Left Me Nothing In Will

What To Do When Your Dad Leaves You Out Of His Will

Were You Left Out Of A Will? The death of a parent is never painless. There is a literal lifetime of memories and emotions to process, and it’s a time when many people feel raw. A bad situation can be made to feel worse, though, when […]
January 28, 2021

What is Elder Financial Abuse?

Defining Elder Financial Abuse Older adults are at high risk for financial abuse. This all-too-common problem can create severe financial stress for elderly adults and hurt the families and caretakers caring for them. Legally, it is defined as the fraudulent or illegal, unauthorized, or improper act […]
January 26, 2021
how are trusts taxed

Breach of Fiduciary Duty Examples

Examples of Breach of Fiduciary Duty Trust is important. There is no doubt about that. Whether it’s involving a business relationship or managing as estate, the breaking of that trust is called a “breach of fiduciary duty” and can lead to all manner of problems. Discovering […]